Welcome to the Fold
Author: Aimee Albro - Account Director
We are thrilled to welcome new clients to the fold this year! With diverse brand personalities and compelling initiatives, we have no shortage of creative inspiration. Here’s a sneak peek at some of our newest projects:
Sisters of Anarchy Ice Cream
Bob and Becky came to us with an exciting goal – to bring their farm-raised, handmade ice cream to the forefront of their industry… while also delivering their ‘rebel’ philosophy with an extra serving of attitude. Along with a complete visual makeover and website redesign, Hark will be helping this spunky local company spread their message across the nation. With cheeky, musically-inspired flavors like “Black Velvet” (chocolate ice cream blended with blackberries,) “I Really Love Your Peaches” (aronia berry ice cream blended with peaches,) and their flagship “Chocolate Anarchy” (honestly, the best chocolate ice cream we’ve ever wrapped our spoons around,) Sisters of Anarchy has a loud voice and a kick-ass message that we’re just psyched on.
Vermont Department of Health
Our relationship with Vermont Department of Health kicked off in early 2019 with the mission to develop awareness campaigns that target the health and wellness of Vermonters across the state. Modeling multi-channel behavior-change campaigns around hot topics like the prevention and management of chronic diseases, providing screening resources to broad audiences, and recruiting teens and young adults to participate in health surveys, the Hark marketing team is firing on all cylinders to influence change in a major way.
Java Trading
It doesn’t take much to sell us on coffee. To say our work with this “seed-to-cup” company is a passion project is putting it lightly, (e.g. we resisted the temptation to be paid in beans.) In addition to an exciting new website, our collaboration with Java Trading has taken us to some amazing on-site locations for photography and videography, including a recent visit to Costa Rica to test out our new drone equipment. Needless to say, we brought home some spectacular footage along with an impressive haul of coffee from all over the world.
Hark rekindled an ongoing relationship with TrueCommerce following a major company migration. While working on a complete overhaul of their branded site, we were psyched to hear that their sister company out of UK and Denmark was also looking for a slick new website from the Hark team. We’re loving the chance to work with some awesome individuals ‘across the pond’ while giving their whole brand a little Hark TLC.
Stay tuned for campaign updates, spotlights on design, and process insights from our desks as we embark on these exciting new projects!
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